Leadership Embodiment Fundamentals – Amsterdam (tweedaagse training – EN)

Amsterdam (to be confirmed) Amsterdam, Netherlands

Shift your being into a more positive and resourceful state WHAT YOU LEARN The Leadership Embodiment method combines insights about optimal performance and collaboration from East and West. Valuable principles from mindfulness, attention training, neuroscience, professional sport and the martial art of Aikido come together and are made very accessible. The method helps put inspiring […]

Leadership Embodiment Fundamentals – Utrecht (tweedaagse training – EN)

Utrecht (to be confirmed) Utrecht, Netherlands

Shift your being into a more positive and resourceful state WHAT YOU LEARN The Leadership Embodiment method combines insights about optimal performance and collaboration from East and West. Valuable principles from mindfulness, attention training, neuroscience, professional sport and the martial art of Aikido come together and are made very accessible. The method helps put inspiring […]

Leadership Embodiment Fundamentals – Zaltbommel (tweedaagse training – NL)

Schouten en Nelissen hoofdkantoor van Heemstraweg 5, Zaltbommel, Netherlands

Beïnvloed je staat van zijn op een positieve manier WAT JE LEERT In de Leadership Embodiment methode worden inzichten over optimaal presteren en samenwerken uit oost en west gecombineerd. Waardevolle principes uit mindfulness, aandachtstraining, neurowetenschappen, topsport en de vechtkunst Aikido komen samen en worden heel toegankelijk gemaakt. De methode geeft handen en voeten aan inspirerende […]

Leadership Embodiment Fundamentals – Amsterdam (tweedaagse training – EN)

Amsterdam (to be confirmed) Amsterdam, Netherlands

Shift your being into a more positive and resourceful state WHAT YOU LEARN The Leadership Embodiment method combines insights about optimal performance and collaboration from East and West. Valuable principles from mindfulness, attention training, neuroscience, professional sport and the martial art of Aikido come together and are made very accessible. The method helps put inspiring […]