Laden Evenementen

Leadership Embodiment Fundamentals – Amsterdam (tweedaagse training – EN)

20 november - 21 november

Shift your being into a more positive and resourceful state


The Leadership Embodiment method combines insights about optimal performance and collaboration from East and West. Valuable principles from mindfulness, attention training, neuroscience, professional sport and the martial art of Aikido come together and are made very accessible.

The method helps put inspiring leadership principles into practice. You embody connecting leadership in the present moment, especially under challenging situations. You work on the following leadership competencies: being inclusive under all circumstances, listening without taking it personally and making a powerful point without coming across as aggressive.

In very practical terms, we work with deep, simple exercises that allow us to positively influence our state of being with our physical posture, breathing and mental focus. For example, taking yourself from stress to flow in 1 minute. Can it be done? Yes, it can!


  • You become less chaotic, and get more clarity and overview
  • You can process more information and more easily set priorities
  • You will be more resilient in dealing with setbacks and complex situations
  • You go from stress to flow in 1 minute by centering
  • You learn to get people on board more easily and to turn resistance around
  • You can really listen, even to criticism, without taking it personally
  • You can make clear points without aggression or vagueness

The language of the training is English, check the events marked “NL” for Dutch.

Click here for more information and to register

Amsterdam (to be confirmed)

Amsterdam, Netherlands